wonderful place

'Yo escribo para enterarme de las cosas'

lunes, noviembre 28, 2005

Once upon a time

- Shit ...

- What?

- I can't do it any more.

- What?

Cinnamon girl lo mira fijamente antes de poder decir:

- A versus.

Freckled demon hace una mueca.

- So... what is this then?

- This is two short people sharing a blanket and some air...This doesn't count, 'cause we are a mess.

Freckled demon no puede reprimir una sonrisa:

- You've got a point there ... maybe you don't need to put a great sentence in a cool situation anymore.

- But once upon a time I was able to do it ...

- I'll lend you my couch in case you need it - suelta Freckled demon sin pensar.

Cinnamon girl sigue mirando fijamente la pared, pero responde:

- That's not exactly what I was thinking about, but I like the idea.