wonderful place

'Yo escribo para enterarme de las cosas'

sábado, julio 02, 2005

caos ordenado que incita al voyeurismo

NICO, de Marlango

My mind wonders with no map
I have no route no point
I daydream.
My mind wonders with no map
and real life colours seem washed out.

My eyes see things of a secret

I resist from trying to understand,
I tear the pages of my past.

To recall what you think you thought
you wanted

every yersterday is empty
and every tomorrow will hold
what you carry with yourself today
I carry with myself today
no route, no point, no map.

My eyes see things of a secret

and I think if I find a word I will unlock
the future

As if a morning could wake up some side of me
that is
plain and rich / full and lovely


Plain and full of colours
'Cause I've got all the words in

words I've never heard before.
I try to pick up what sleeps
I try to pick up what slips through your mouth
and find
that my own words are so

dull and empty
I desist
I quit
I don't know

to questions

I make
I wait.


Las palabras en negrita son mis aportaciones/modificaciones personales. Las cursivas... ya se sabe lo que hay ocn las cursivas.